Seal the Deal: Exploring Dental Sealants for Optimal Oral Health | Promenade Center For Dentistry Charlotte


Dental sealants were actually developed approximately 50 years ago, but their widespread adoption didn’t occur until the 1970s. Presently, sealants have gained significant popularity and proven effectiveness. They are particularly beneficial for young children as a preventive measure since, in many cases, decay has not yet taken hold. Even on teeth with existing decay, sealants have demonstrated their ability to combat further damage.

The pits and grooves in teeth are susceptible to opportunistic decay, and regular brushing may not effectively reach these intricate structures on the chewing surfaces. This is where sealants come into play — they are thin coatings applied to the chewing surfaces, strategically designed to prevent the infiltration of bacteria and debris into the deep crevices on the tops of teeth.

The application of teeth sealants involves a multi-step process. Initially, the tooth surface is thoroughly cleaned, followed by the application of an abrasive substance to etch the tooth, enhancing the sealant’s adherence. Subsequently, the sealant is applied, and a warm light source is directed to the site to expedite drying. It is generally recommended to reapply sealants every five to 10 years for optimal effectiveness.



Promenade Center For Dentistry Dentist Charlotte
Promenade Center For Dentistry Dentist Charlotte

Written by Promenade Center For Dentistry Dentist Charlotte


Promenade Center For Dentistry, your top-rated dentist in Charlotte, NC, offers a full range of dental services for the entire family.

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